Saturday, October 31, 2009

What do you Dream? part 2

November Newsletter

We had a great first month at “New Life Chiropractic & Wellness Center” at the Dixie Sunset Plaza 1812 W Sunset Blvd, Suite 18, St George, UT 84770. We became reacquainted with old friends and met some really great new ones. Thanks to all of you and we look forward to great experiences in the months to come. You have only till the 31st of October to take advantage of the 2 for 1 special, so don’t miss out. If you do, no worries my special until Christmas is pretty good too. From now until Xmas buy 3 one hour massages for just $99.00. That’s good enough to take care of 2 people on your list and keep one for yourself. You can purchase these online (click here) or in person at New Life. Let me know whether you want regular gift cards or holiday ones.

Remember the Employee and Senior special rates are still available through me. Always make sure you call me at 435 215-3480 to book your appointment.

I had a good response to my article on Dream interpretation, so here’s the next installment. ____________________________________________________________________-
What do you Dream? part two

In order to understand the next 2 classifications of dream types, we have to have a brief discussion on the nature of TIME. As humans existing in a material, three-dimensional world, we experience time in a linear fashion. That is, we live moment to moment, day-to-day, year after year. For us time exists in a straight line with experiences sticking up all along like pearls on a string. When we are not in a third dimensional state, we are free to move more freely through time and the past, present and future exist more spherically, and we can have access to all them through the compartments of our mind associated with each. In dreams where we travel randomly through the subconscious, superconscious mind and then sort out those experiences in the conscious mind.

Memory Dreams

The subconscious is the part of our mind where we store memories. These can be anything from the memory of the movie you watched last weekend to childhood events, and in the deepest levels of the subconscious it may be that we have access to ancestral memories (some believe that these may be buried in our dna), memories from other incarnations or timelines, or some have been able to access psycometric memories where we may tap into the memories of a location (this may help explain some instances of hauntings in old houses and castles). These are the dreams that are usually responsible for reoccurring dreams and often the most emotional of dreams, as emotions are the “tab” system that the subconsious uses to file away memories.When these types of dreams are activated we are transported back into time with a vivid experience as if the memory is new. Psychologically, we will continue to revisit past experiences until we can release and deal with the emotions associated with those experiences. We often repeat experiences in life until we learn the life lesson. The dream may be accessing a more distant memory that we are more detached from than the current circumstance, where we can’t “see the forest from the trees”.

Precognitive Dreams: If in the unawake, unconscious state of sleep, we are true time travellers, then the superconscious mind may have access to future events that are nothing more than trends we have already set into motion. It may be nothing complex that a review of things we may encounter the next day if we continue on the path we have set in motion. Some of you can say you have experienced “De Jevu” where people or actions seem familiar. This could be because you already experienced this possibility on some level in your sleep. The Bible is full of prophetic dreams such as those of Joseph who saw many years in the future to foresee 7 years of plenty to be followed by 7 years of famine. Most of us don’t see very far in the future because we haven,t been keeping dream journals or developing a relationship with our dream state. Some people call these warning dreams because they often get more intense the more we don’t heed what this part of our awareness is trying to tell you. I prefer to call this dreams of guidance and like anything we do, the more you use this guidance the more it will come to you and the easier they will get to understand.

Now it is true that some dreams can be a composite of different types. Therefore future events may unravel in symbolic terms because familiar symbols can make it easier to interpret the information that the dream contains.

One last word on the nature of time. When it comes to the mind, all time is relative. Where does someones mind go who has been in a coma for 20 years? Why did summer when we were kids seem to last forever or why do kids ask “are we there yet?” I’m sure that all of you have experienced dosing off for just a few moments and having a dream that seemed hour-long. As we get older the years seem to fly by. So although time can be measured in exact increments (seconds, hour minutes) life’s experiences are measured by emotions.. the roaring 20’s, our best years, or as in the “Tale of Two Cities”… “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”.

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This month’s drawing winner for a free hour massage is

Misty Brennan

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