We want to welcome Cameron James Taylor, LMT to our staff of talented therapists. We worked with Cameron last year at the Summit Athletic Club and we know well his great work effort and concern for those fortunate to receive his bodywork. Cameron is also excited to take over the position of Massage Volunteer Coordinator for the St. George Marathon, which I held the past 2 years and I'm happy to do everything I can to assist in the success of this event. You can view the profile pages of all our therapists (Michael, Amanda, Cameron and Phaedra) by clicking here. We really need your support in getting out the word about our new location at "The Center" 376 Sunland Drive, Suite 7B (rear) and helping to keep our therapists busy. To that end we are bringing back one of our most popular specials 3 for $99.00. We hope you'll partake in this and give all of our new therapists a try..
Thanks to all that attended our open house. We enjoyed connecting with our and new friends. Remember that meeting space is available at our new location "The Center" and to that end don't miss "Past Lives and Soul Mates" on Tuesday July 20 at 7 pm. The cost of this event is just $4.00. If you would like more information on this event and other classes being held at "The Center" please shoot me an e-mail as we are building a separate mailing list so that I can keep my commitment not to send more than 1 e-mail a month to our health & massage fans.
Can’t afford a massage but still want to be apart of things? We are in need of a few things for our new location that we will gladly trade for massage. Real or not potted plants, shelves for storage or books, comfortable chairs for our waiting area, we will even consider a partial trade + pay for linen/laundry service. So check your garages and let us know.
Our Mission Statement:
The therapists' at StGeorgeMassage.com want you to know that there is a difference in the types of
massage available in Southern Utah. Most establishments offer you "Spa Massage" and while this type
of massage is definitely beneficial in helping to reduce stress and helping you relax, it, in most cases,
just doesn't go far enough to address your specific health needs. Whereas, "Therapeutic Massage" ,as
we practice it, is designed to help you achieve your specific wellness goals. Sports massage will not
only help you increase endurance and performance, but always reduces the likelihood of many athletic
injuries. Injury massage helps the body heal and recover more quickly from injury, surgery, and illness.
Structural massage is designed to correct postural and movement imbalances so that we can function
more efficiently with the constant force of gravity. Pre-Natal and Post Natal massage can reduce
stretch marks and make the transitions occurring to both Mother and Child smoother.
These are just a few of the differences of "therapeutic massage" which can have lasting and dynamic
effects. We have created a therapist driven practice where we attract the kind of individual who wants
to continually improve their skills and whose primary concern is for the benefit of those we treat.
We are proud to announce the addition of couples massage, 4 handed massage, and Aroma-touch therapy to our menu of services. Next month we will highlight how Aroma-touch therapy works and how our sense of smell is an important factor in the healing process.
Interested in using our meeting space at our new location on Sunland Dr.?
Our space can comfortably seat 15 people (or up to 25 people packed in) there is a TV, DVD, VCR for audio/visual presentations. Perhaps you have a group that has outgrown meeting in your living room or are looking for a place to teach a class. Rates for the use of our classroom start as low as $25.00. Let us know if we can serve you.
Space is available for alternative healthcare professionals part-time or full-time. Our massage rooms can easily be used for all body workers, energy workers, counselors etc. whether the use is everyday or once a month, let us know how we can serve you.
This month’s drawing winner for a free hour massage is
LeAnn Rohde
It pays to enter every month...pass it on!